Uppercase buttons: Set the buttons’ texts to uppercase. Old Material Design Style: Reverts to the old Material Design style of 2016–2021. Custom Tree Font : Fine tune the font and size of the project trees. Can be configured from the Custom File Colors settings Custom Directories Style : Assign a specific style to directories. Thickness : Control the thickness of the indicator. Sharp: Add a small sharp border to the left.
Border: Add a small rounded border to the left.Selected Indicator Style : Change the style of the indicator for selected item in trees.You can configure both the Left and Right indents.Custom Tree Indent : Fine tune indent of tree items.Custom Tree Items Height : Set custom line height in trees (min: 18, max: 44).Compact Fields: Reduce the size of fields, such as input, numeric and passwords.Custom List Items Height: Control the size of items in lists and dropdowns (min: 18, max: 48).Compact Menus: Reduce the size of the menus.
Compact Dropdowns: Reduce the size of dropdowns. Compact Table Cells: Reduce the height of table headers and table cells. Compact Status Bar: Reduce the height of the status bar. Tab Separators: Add thin borders between tabs. Tabs Animations: Animate the tab indicator upon switching tabs. Custom Tab Font : Control the font and size of the Editor Tabs. Tab Highlight Position : Customize the position of the tab highlighter. Bold Active Tab : Make the Active Tab Bold. Uppercase Tabs : Set the Editor Tabs in Uppercase.
Thickness : Set the active tab’s indicator thickness. Active Tab Highlight Color : Customize the active tab’s indicator color. Tabs Height: Customize the tabs’ height (between 25 and 60 pixels). Configure Custom Theme Colors: Open the settings page for the Custom Theme Colors. Override Accent Color: Change the accent color accordingly to the selected theme. Custom Accent Color: Set a custom accent color. High Contrast : Set a more pronounced contrast, by making the texts more prominent. Contrast Mode: Add contrast to specific panels and components. Selected Theme: Select a Theme from the prebundled themes.